Redness & itching (accompanying therapy: rosacea)
Rosacea is a chronic inflammatory skin disease that progresses in episodes and occurs in varying degrees of severity. The face is affected (forehead, cheek, nose and chin) - rarely other parts of the body. The typical symptoms of rosacea are based on permanent widening of the blood vessels and chronic inflammation of the skin: redness of the skin (erythma), inflammatory blisters and nodules as well as new tissue formation (phyma) and burning, itching skin with stabbing pain.
Strong, long-lasting UV radiation (sunbathing, solarium), heat, hot bathing and showering, certain cosmetics, washing lotions with an alkaline pH value (>7), certain medications, coffee and tea, alcohol and nicotine as well as stress can trigger rosacea. Hormonal changes, such as during pregnancy, can also trigger a flare-up of the disease. It is currently believed that the basis for developing rosacea is a genetic predisposition in interaction with various immunological, microbacterial and neurological factors.
Possible effects on your biomarkers
The skin of rosacea sufferers is often colonized above average with so-called hair follicle mites (Demodex folliculorum). Although the microscopic animals are found on everyone's skin, they appear to be more prevalent in rosacea patients and trigger an immune reaction that leads to inflammation. There is evidence that in rosacea, receptors in the immune system overreact when they recognize foreign organisms and then produce certain substances to combat them.
In addition, inflamed nerves in the face also seem to play a role in the development of rosacea. The nerves control blood vessels by dilating them when it's hot and contracting them when it's cold. However, in rosacea patients, the communication between nerves and blood vessels in the face does not work properly because the nerves are permanently inflamed. This leads to incorrect control: even with weak stimuli such as spicy food, the blood vessels expand without then completely contracting again.