Your skin problems. Our personalized facial care.
The 2-level biomarker treatment: Intact skin barrier (level 1) meets individual problem solvers (level 2).
Here's how it works
1. Make an appointment for a skin analysis
2. Have biomarkers measured on site
3. Choose personalized care based on results
4. Received in the mail a few days later
Level 01

Level 02

“We guarantee the accuracy (reproducibility) and reliability of our measurement and personalization logic and are very proud to say that we can take into account the dynamics and uniqueness of each skin condition and take it seriously.”

“We solve individual skin problems specifically where they originate, because we strictly adhere to the state of the art (molecular biology), pharmaceutical technology and dermatology.”

Our product philosophy

Very high effectiveness

2-level biomarker treatment

Freshly & individually produced facial care


Production & development in-house

High bioavailability of the ingredients

Made in Germany

Sustainably produced

Very good skin tolerance