Very dry skin
A dry face can be rough and tight, as well as redness, flaking and itching. Very dry skin loses much of its protective abilities: the risk of sun damage, premature aging and infections increases.
External environmental factors
Unfavorable weather conditions: hot, cold and dry air, as well as air conditioning.
Dry skin symptoms are more common in winter and summer. Ultraviolet light (UV) can increase skin aging; Older skin tends to become increasingly dry.
Skin care
Frequent washing, long, hot baths/showers as well as unsuitable facial care (e.g. harsh soaps) or harmful ingredients, such as monohydric alcohols (alcohol denat.) and surfactants, which dissolve the lipids from the protective film of the skin or, such as parabens and mineral oils, which are in interfere with the hormonal balance.
Internal genetic influences
Each person has a unique set of genes (except identical twins) that determine skin characteristics such as pigmentation, moisture and lipid content. This means that different people's skin contains different amounts of moisture and oil under identical conditions. Light-skinned people are also more likely to have dry skin than dark-skinned people.
Hormonal influences
If hormone levels change, for example during adolescence or menopause, this can also affect the moisture balance in the skin. During menopause, estrogen levels drop and dry skin can become even drier. Dry skin can also occur during pregnancy.
As we age, the skin progressively loses its ability to produce sweat and lipids because the sebaceous and sweat glands work more slowly. The older you get, the more your skin tends to become dry. The drier the skin, the more likely it is that wrinkles/wrinkles can form. This is also because the skin becomes thinner, the basal keratinocytes become tired of dividing, so to speak, and can no longer fully compensate for the shedding cells.
The skin requires a range of nutrients, unsaturated fatty acids and vitamins and essential amino acids to function optimally. A deficiency in these nutrients can contribute to dry skin.
Possible effects on your biomarkers
All external causes of dry facial skin cause the acid mantle on the skin to be damaged: moisture evaporates and the important moisture-binding substances are washed out unhindered. Since these natural moisturizing factors are missing, the skin can no longer store as much water and becomes dry.
If the moisturizer does not contain any moisturizing factors, the deeper layers of the facial skin also dry out and the moisture network is disrupted. The moisture can no longer be transported as well to the upper layers and the skin becomes very dry.