Blemishes & acne
Almost every teenager is affected by acne (blemishes included), boys usually more severely than girls. In addition to acne (acne vulgaris) that occurs as a result of hormonal changes during puberty, acne can also - much less commonly - occur as a result of external hormone intake or as a result of other illnesses (see below). If acne occurs in adults over 25 years of age, it is referred to as acne tarda, late acne or adult acne. You can usually recognize impure skin by its slightly greasy, shiny appearance. Open and closed blackheads appear especially on the face, often also on the neck, shoulders, chest and back. In moderate to severe cases, the skin becomes red and inflamed pimples, papules and pustules appear.
[+] Hormonal changes/disorders
[+] Medication (e.g. lithium, steroids, cortisone)
[+] Diet style (high amount of carbohydrates, excessive consumption of cow's milk and dairy products, etc.)
[+] Smoking and alcohol
[+] unsuitable skin care products and make-up that have not been tested for their so-called comedogenicity.
[+] Poor or inadequate cleansing of the skin
Possible effects on your biomarkers
Personal predispositions and hormonal changes create a micro-environment that promotes inflammation. This ensures an increased formation of micro-comedones, which ultimately lead to skin imperfections.
This is what excessive sebum production is called. Normally, the sebaceous glands secrete an oily secretion that keeps skin and hair supple. If there are certain changes in the hormonal balance, impure skin can develop. The first visible sign is increased sebum production.
This refers to a thickening of the outer layer of skin, the horny layer (stratum corneum). Due to excessive cell production and insufficient shedding of dead, keratinized cells, the sebaceous gland ducts are blocked and disrupt or interrupt the outflow of sebum. This clogs the pores and causes impurities.
Microbial colonization
There is a mix of “good” and “bad” bacteria on the skin. Propionibacterium acnes, which is classified as “bad”, multiplies heavily when it finds optimal conditions - excessive sebum production - and leads to impurities.
The body reacts to this excess of bacteria and the bacterial breakdown products with inflammation, which becomes visible as reddened papules and pustules. In severe cases, the follicle wall may rupture in the late phase. Lipids, fatty acids, horny cells, bacteria and cell fragments are released and cause extensive and deep inflammation in the surrounding tissue.
There are several forms of acne (acne vulgaris) that are characterized by various skin changes:
Acne comedonica
It is characterized by the appearance of open and closed blackheads (blemishes) that are not or barely inflamed. The number of closed blackheads significantly exceeds the number of open blackheads, especially in women. In acne comedonica, the blackheads are mainly located on the face, especially in the side of the nose, chin and forehead area.
Papulo-pustular acne
In this form of acne, in addition to blackheads, there are inflammatory pustules (pus-filled protuberances in the duct) and papules (up to five millimeters in size) that are painful to touch, as well as small nodules (five to ten millimeters in size). In addition to the face, the chest, back and upper arms can also be affected. Different types of scars can arise quickly or later from the inflammation.
Acne conglobata or cystic acne
Mainly men are affected by this severe form of acne that requires medical treatment. Highly inflammatory and painful nodules of one to two centimeters in size form, which over time merge into ducts or become encapsulated as deep abscesses. After the inflammation has healed, characteristic acne scars remain.
There are also various other forms of acne, some examples of which are mentioned here:
Acne fulminans
occurs as a complication of acne conglobata. This can lead to fever and the death of affected skin areas (skin necrosis), kidney inflammation and joint inflammation.
Acne neonatorum
occurs in newborns but heals quickly after delivery. The cause is believed to be male sex hormones that are transferred from the mother to the embryo.
Acne infantum
means that the acne persists in infancy. A possible cause is congenital hormonal enzyme deficiency disorders or locally greasy skin care.
Acne medicamentosa
Pimples and pustules that arise from medications, for example cortisone preparations, vitamin B complex, iodine compounds, antidepressants or modern anti-tumor preparations.
Acne venenata (occupational acne/contact acne)
affects people who, for example, work with oils or tar, work in hot and humid environments (smelting furnace, hot iron) or it is caused by ingredients in cosmetic products that cause blackheads